Life @ APGCLife@APGCRules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Dress Code

Students must observe the following dress code:
Gents: Formal Shirt of Light Cream Color, Jet Black Trousers & Tie. Black Shoes, Belt and ID-Card.
Ladies: Formal Shirt of Light Cream Color, Jet Black Trousers, Half/full Shoes and ID-Card.
Please note that Jeans and T-shirts do not form part of the dress code. Those who are improperly dressed, and have a shabby appearance will not be allowed into the college premises.

ID Cards

Students will be issued ID cards only after they fill up their details in a prescribed form that will be issued to them at the time of registration. Students are expected to come with their blood group details for this purpose. In case the card is lost, a duplicate ID card will be issued against a payment of Rs 100. Students will not be allowed into the college campus without the ID card.


The continuous evaluation system adopted by the OU and the college clearly expects every student to be responsible for regularity to class, internal tests and other tasks assigned to him/her in the course. As such, students are advised not to absent themselves without the prior submission of leave letter to the respective counselors.

  • A student has to put in a minimum of 75% attendance in aggregate of all the subjects in the semester.
  • Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate upto 10% (between 65% to 75%) in a semester maybe recommended by the College Academic Committee to the OU with supporting evidence only in genuine and valid cases.
  • A student will not be promoted to the next semester unless he/she satisfies the attendance requirement of the present semester.
  • Shortage of attendance below 65% in aggregate shall in no case be condoned.
  • Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned are not eligible to take their examination of that class and their registration shall stand cancelled. They may seek re-admission for that semester when offered next.
  • A stipulated fee shall be payable towards condonation of shortage of attendance.
  • Students coming out in the middle of a class or entering late into a class will be seriously viewed and attendance will not be given for that hour.
  • The monthly attendance of each student, along with the unit test marks, will be displayed on the notice board in the first week of every month. Also a copy of that will be sent to the parents at the address registered with the college. Postage costs will be borne by the student.
  • Students will not be given lab attendance unless they submit practical records of the previous lab sessions.
  • In case of ill-health, a student has to submit the proof or evidence of absence and the leave application to the Principal/Head of the department, immediately on rejoining the college. Late submission of leave application will not be accepted for consideration at the time of condonation of shortfall of attendance.
  • Students with less than 75% of attendance will not be permitted to participate in co-curricular, extra-curricular and sports activities. No college facilities like bus pass, travel concessions, scholarships will be admissible for them.

Cell Phones

Students are NOT allowed to keep their cell phones in SWITCH ON mode on the college campus. If any student is found in possession of camera cell phone, it will be seized by the college and will not be returned.

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