FacilitiesYoga Centers


Yoga and Meditation

  • Maharishi Patanjali is the 'father of Yoga' who compiled 195 Yoga Sutras that became the foundation of Yoga philosophy. The commentary on these sutras is called Bhashya. The core essence of Patanjali is the eightfold path of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) that focuses upon healthy living through Yoga. A demonstration on Suryanamaskar and many more asanas that help to tone their body and keep them healthy were explained. Sun Salutation is considered a complete body workout.
  • Aurora’s PG College has been running a Yoga and Meditation Centre in the college from 2011. The Yoga and Meditation Centre was started for both students and staff with the objectives
  • To understand the importance of maintaining good health, both physically and mentally.
  • To have an understanding of life and peaceful living.
  • To educate students on the spiritual dimension and how it affects our lives.
  • To teach through yoga methods of improving concentration and warding of unnecessary stress.
  • The Yoga and Meditation Centre conducts sessions on both theoretical and practical aspects of yoga and meditation and disseminates knowledge about the spiritual dimension to help students understand yoga, advise those who are interested to experience yoga for themselves, and guide those who have intense desire for spiritual growth towards achieving their goal. Yoga experts say that doing 12 sets of Surya Namaskar translates into doing 288 powerful yoga poses in a span of 12 to 15 minutes.

Sri D. Satya Reddy, yoga practitioner, conducts sessions for both students and faculty. The sessions are conducted in the yoga hall and the following timings are maintained:


  • Morning Session: 6:30AM -7:30AM
  • Evening Session: 4.30 PM – 5.30 PM

The students are taught Pranayamas, Mudras and Asanas and different kinds of physical exercises. They are also made to understand various meditation techniques. Along with the physical exercises there are regular talks on issues like philosophy of life, analysis of thoughts, neutralization of anger, eradication of worries, individual and world peace, etc.

Ever since June 21 was declared as the World Yoga Day, Aurora PG College has been celebrating this day with performances, talks and contests. Eminent experts are invited to enlighten our students and staff with their knowledge of Indian spirituality and practices.

Modern science has helped us in improving our standards of living, but it is only Yoga and Meditation that has given us a holistic approach to help overcome pain in life and gain lasting happiness. The Yoga and Meditation Centre at Aurora PG College is a comprehensive attempt in this direction.

Phases of Surya Namaskar